
Closet / Bedroom / Bathroom

Everything starts with a nice chat (we need to get to know you), to understand what are your dreams for the space and the issues that are bothering you. This way, we assure you all the organization project will be sustainable! Following a creative approach, we tailor your experience to bring harmony to your space. In our process, we will always measure, sort, edit, organize and label.

Kitchen/ Butlers kitchens /Pantries

Knowing the preferences of the client, we customize the space to let spices on hand or even that baking session more accessible, if you love spending time cooking. We can work with a budget and will bring all the necessary tools to optimize your environment, merging practicality and aesthetics effortlessly.

Playrooms / Garage / Storage / Laundry

Every house is different, so, the systems we will install in your home will be customized for your family needs. Your house should be your sanctuary where you recharge and not a place to feel overwhelmed or ashamed. The Life Hack by Gaby team will make sure the organization will reflect your lifestyle and your dream goal for the space.


“Your home story is fascinating because it has the potential to keep evolving, just like your living space. Embrace what feels right at this moment, and the rest will fall into place. It always does.”

— Gaby Polycarpo

Understanding your home needs